Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #100
Without a doubt this issue comes at a hard time for everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones are well these days
Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, a news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.
If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.
Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.
▸ A group of scientists from the Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) is developing a new medical test that would be ten times cheaper than PCR and at the same time much more accurate in detecting cases of coronavirus.
▸ The company Robot has donated 10,000 masks to the Balearic Red Cross.
▸ Perfume’s Club donates 3,000 units of sanitizing gel to Correos Expres workers.
▸ Online orders to the food markets skyrocket. If a few months ago their sales through the online platform La Mercateca accounted for 5% of total turnover, in recent weeks they have grown to 25-30%.
▸ Habitissimo has communicated that it keeps its entire workforce operational and also shared a series of measures that it has put in place to collaborate with their sector.
▸ The double and complex problem of ICT for Tourism in the COVID-19 crisis, thoughts from Jaume Monserrat, President of Turistec (cluster dedicated to ICT applied to Tourism), on the current situation.
▸ How your business can thrive during lockdown, post by Andy Slack, CEO of MoreNiche and founder of Olive Valley. A guide to not only survive during this period, but thriving with remote work during coronavirus.
▸ Trifork Mallorca has elaboraed a comprehensive guide to help companies adapt to working remotely.
▸ Pau Riera has published the MusicBucket API on GitHub, with all the functionalities of his the MusicBucket Bot for Telegram.
▸ Damavis Studio has released the beta version of Airflow Pentaho Plugin, with which it is possible to orchestrate and schedule Pentaho jobs and transformations using Apache Airflow.
▸ The marketing agency Inturea has created a website with webinars, courses and interviews. Everything focused on helping tourism companies recover from the COVID-19 crisis.
▸ The app Veern to control time in different time zones is now available as a universal purchase on Mac and iOS.
Job Opportunities
▸ Senior Data Engineer – Habitissimo
▸ Frontened Developer – Wireless DNA
▸ Business Developer – HR3
▸ React Native Developer – Lightstreams
Cool Links
▸ Coronavirus y calidad del aire: reflexiones e importancia de la sostenibilidad (
▸ “A CoronaWhy s’obren per al Big Data nous horitzons en la recerca mèdica” (
▸ ¿Compra en directo o programática? (Rubén Vinagre, Programmatic Display Specialist en Barceló)
▸ 12 Thought-provoking talks to fuel creativity and innovation (Fabian Roschig
▸ Startup Homeschool – #YoEmprendoEnCasa (
▸ Joining A Non-Tech Startup Accelerator Program To Improve Our Business (
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