Newsletters Archive

#MTN092: Version 1.0 of PlugCore’s framework out now, Super Kickers League available on Steam, Perfume’s Club national leader in its category,…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #092

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

Optimiza tu tiempo y dinero lanzando tu start-up con el Método Customia

El equipo de Customia ha desarrollado un método probado y basado en su experiencia en emprendimiento digital, para ayudarte a minimizar el riesgo y los costes asociados al lanzamiento de tu start-up.

Uniendo consultoría de negocio, desarrollo tecnológico y marketing digital, Customia trabajará contigo en las diferentes fases del proceso: Discovery, Validation y Building.

Durante la fase Discovery, mediante sesiones de consultoría y talleres especializados, podrás aterrizar esa idea de negocio que tienes en mente desde hace tiempo, y plasmarla en un plan de acción susceptible de convertirse en un negocio rentable. Invierte en Discovery para salir de dudas, es una inversión en tu proyecto y en tí mism@.

Solicita aquí información sobre el paquete de horas “Discovery” y beneficiate de un descuento utilizando el código MTN012020.

📰 News

▸ If you read this newsletter on a regular basis, it would be really helpful if you could take 2 minutes to answer this short survey. The goal is to know better the audience and to know your sincere opinion on where it can improve.

▸ The development company PlugCore has published the version 1.0 of its open source framework based on Nodejs and TypeScript. Specially designed to create APIs and microservices quickly and easily.

▸ The video game Super Kickers League, created by Xaloc Studios, is now available on Steam.

▸ Retina (El País) profiled Hustle Got Real, a startup that has developed software to manage online stores through dropshipping (without handling stock).

▸ Perfume’s Club leads sales of luxury beauty brands in Spain, with an average basket of over €60, according to Ecommerce News.

▸ David Marquina, CTO of the technology consulting company Ncora, was interviewed in MásQueUnaRadio.

▸ The publication Sifted, which belongs to the Financial Times, made a list of Spanish startups to follow in 2020. Among those selected are companies such as Glovo, Cabify or Newtral, and also the Mallorcan biotech Sanifit.


👋 Events

▸ 29/01 – re: Invent 2019 recap and S3. AWS Palma Group Meetup where there will be talks to discuss the news presented at the AWS re: Invent in Las Vegas and about deploying projects with S3 buckets.

▸ 30/01 – Start Talks. El Club d’Emprenedors de la UIB organizes this networking session where entrepreneurs are encouraged to pitch their startups and receive honest feedback about it or share their concerns.

▸ 31/01 – Revenue Management y Chatbots en 2020. Meetup with on ML application cases for revenue management and what a good chatbot needs.

▸ 03/02 – Free Digital Marketing course for young people. Intense 10-week course, organized by Generation and with the collaboration of Palma Activa and EOI. There are still a few spots for students and companies interested in hiring these young people are sought.

▸ 06/02 – Innovation funding in the digital age. Javier Ponce, General director of the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), will share the opportunities available for small and medium enterprises.

▸ 14/02 – Blockchain and cryptocurrency in the enterprise. Advantages and success stories.

▸ 21/02 – Julia for non coders. Julia’s first meetup in Mallorca (in English), a perfect language for high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.

▸ 21/02 – II DSKonsulting HR Forum. Robots vs. People. The value of people versus automation.


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!
Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

🛠 Job Opportunities 

▸ Digital Marketing: Hotel Metasearch Specialist – Roiback

▸ Marketing Cloud Analyst – Barceló Hotels

▸ Graphic Designer – CuatroClicks

▸ .NET Developer – Bluekiri

▸ Full Stack Developer – Innovation Strategies

▸ JAVA Developer –

▸ Senior Java Software Engineer – ON Consulting

▸ API Distribution & Onboarding Manager – Welcomebeds


🔗 Cool Links

▸ Bluekiri learnings @ BigThings19 (

▸ Acciones de marketing para fidelizar a tus huéspedes (

▸ Encuesta sobre los problemas legales de los influencers (

▸ Diferencias entre un marketplace y un ecommerce (


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Newsletters Archive

#MTN090: ParcBit joins a private blockchain network; events about Python, chatbots, AWS; backend employment, Unity…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #090

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!
Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

📰 News

▸ The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE), among which is ParcBit, has signed a collaboration agreement with Telefónica to create a private and independent blockchain network. 

▸ DonDominio and Travel.Domains will participate in Fitur Madrid 2020.

▸ Interview with Jorge More, head of Marketing at Perfume’s Club, about the online commerce sector and its evolution.

▸ The digital culture festival Formentera 2.0 has announced the first confirmation for its next edition: Patricia Reis, Vice President Marketing at HBO.


👋 Events

▸ 15/01 – Dreamforce’19 Highlights. Meeting to review the highlights of the annual Salesforce event, held in San Francisco.

▸ 22/01 – 21th PyData Mallorca meetup. With talks about PySpark and “Using Python and R together”.

▸ 23/01 – STEM Talks Menorca. GDG Menorca organizes an event focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) with the objective of promoting scientific and technical careers. Professionals from Google and Microsoft, among other companies and institutions, will participate.

▸ 29/01 – re: Invent 2019 recap and S3. AWS Palma Group Meetup where there will be talks to discuss the news presented at the AWS re: Invent in Las Vegas and about deploying projects with S3 buckets.

▸ 31/01 – Revenue Management y Chatbots en 2020. Meetup with on ML application cases for revenue management and what a good chatbot needs.

▸ 08/02 – Django Girls Mallorca. New edition of this web programming workshop aimed at women. You can also register as a volunteer and participate as a coach/mentor.


🛠 Job Opportunities 

▸ Senior C++ Developer – Gusitravel (27-36K)

▸ Fullstack Web Developer – Grupotel (15-24K)

▸ Analista-programador. NET y SAP – FDSA Programación (18-21K)

▸ Senior BackEnd Developer – OmniAccess

▸ Senior Unity Developer C# – Xaloc Studios

▸ Data Analyst – Hotelbeds

▸ DELPHI Developer – ON Consulting

▸ Marine Scientist/Engineer – SOCIB

▸ Digital Performance Specialist – Yuccs


🔗 Cool Links

 ¿Conoces la nueva base de datos no relacional MongoDB? (

▸ El concepto de legaltech y sus variantes (

▸ A new climate for business and innovation — Why the current approach must change (Fabian Roschig en

▸ I almost sold Baremetrics for $5m (

▸ Scaling Knowledge at Airbnb (


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Photo by Jason Briscoe 

Newsletters Archive

#MTN049: Anunciado ganador Premio Emprendedor XXI, Habitissimo busca desarrolladores/as de apps, Xaloc anuncia videojuego para Nintendo Switch,…

Newsletter semanal sobre el sector tecnológico, con noticias, ofertas de empleo y eventos. La mejor forma de estar al día, suscríbete y recíbelo cada semana en tu email.

Edición patrocinada por:

Habitissimo busca incorporar a su equipo un/a Desarrollador/a de Apps. Además de una compensación competitiva, dispondrás de 1000 euros anuales y 4 días adicionales a tu disposición para asistir a eventos, conferencias o cursos de formación, compra de libros, etc. 1 día al mes para dedicar a tus proyectos personales dentro de Habitissimo, un equipo de alta gama y muchas otras ventajas. Si tienes inquietudes o experiencia en el desarrollo de aplicaciones iOS pincha aquí.

Podcast Mallorca Tech Newsletter 📻

  • Arrancamos el podcast Mallorca Tech Newsletter, en el primer programa entrevistamos a Alicia Asín, ingeniera zaragozana, cofundadora y CEO de la empresa Libelium, dedicada al desarrollo del proyectos en el campo del Internet of Things. Puedes escucharlo en iTunesSpotify o iVoox. Si te gusta por favor suscríbete y recomiéndalo!

Noticias 📰

  • Nace Dale Al Like! Un podcast sobre Social Media, Influencer Marketing y Tendencias Tech con entrevistas a profesionales del sector.

Eventos 👋

  • 08/03 – Game Jam 2019. Vuelve este evento anual en el que equipos de 2 a 5 personas participan en esta maratón de 48 horas donde el principal objetivo es divertirse, conocer gente y finalizar un juego completo.

nidus39 coworking palma

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Photo: Kaleidico