Newsletters Archive

#MTN103: A Majorcan among the Spanish Government expert advisers, SeedRocket and BStartup choose the best startup in the Balearic Islands,…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #103

Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.

If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.


IFISC researcher José Ramasco joined the team of 16 experts that advises the Government of Spain on scientific matters related to COVID-19 and its future consequences.

“This crisis will help us understand the value of the important things.” Interview with David Uriarte, co-founder of GuestPro.

▸ Roiback, a company specialized in the management of the hotel direct sales channel, has announced the launch of ePayments Manager, a system that allows hoteliers to split payments and offer new forms of payment to their clients.

▸ Barcelona City Council has presented the web portal Imatges Barcelona, a repository with more than 4,000 photographs that portray the life of the city in recent years. The technology behind the project has been developed by the company APSL.



06/05 – From idea to market fit. Free webinar on the steps to follow for the restructuring of the marketing plan: channels, target, market, product…

06/05 – React course for beginners. An exclusive guide to develop a real project with React. Course developed by Xavi Tristancho to learn to develop a billing application with the most popular library of the moment.

07/05 – New maker initiatives for coexistence with COVID-19. Online session to brainstorm around several ideas and topics, such as: Print things to avoid touching things; Are there many people in the park now?; Collaborative project for the manufacture of dialysis machines, among others.

07/05 – III Venture on the Road Final. Online event organized by SeedRocket and BStartup in which the finalists startups of the Palma edition (Arrendart, GuestPro, hotelbreak and Seniors Boom) will make their presentation in front of the jury. In addition, during the event there will be a talk by Raúl Jiménez, co-founder of Minube: “Entrepreneurship during a crisis: impatient in the break-even, patient in growth.”

13/05 – The TravelTech sector after COVID-19. Webinar organized by Conector where they will talk with Pedro Cámara, founder and CEO of TravelgateX, about the future of technology startups in the travel and tourism sector after the COVID-19 crisis.

14/05 – Starting Together. Event to learn to create and correctly structure a simple web application and acquire basic notions of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Job Opportunities

Security Manager – Habitissimo

Programador/desarrollador PHP – ApperStreet


Cool Links

Configuración inicial de un servidor (

Dispersió de dades obertes al Govern de les Illes Balears (Benjami Villoslada via


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Photo by John Schnobrich

Newsletters Archive

#MTN102: Govern stops using COVID-19 monitoring app a few days after its release, hotelbreak launches a hotels support campaign…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #102

Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.

If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.


▸ The Conselleria de Salut has asked citizens to stop using the coronavirus pandemic tracking app within a few days of launching it and has requested the company that developed it to deactivate it because it puts user data at risk. ARA Balears has looked a bit deeper into this situation.

▸ Govern’s Education branch, with the aim of alleviating the problems that have arisen since the beginning of the period of suspension of face-to-face classes, as a consequence of COVID-19. It has acquired almost 3,000 devices and other elements to guarantee connectivity with an investment of 850,000 euros.

▸ The hotel experiences portal, hotelbreak, has launched a solidarity initiative in support of the hotel sector. The initiative “Let’s save our hotels” offers the possibility of buying vouchers to enjoy experiences such as dinners, day passes, Balinese beds, among others, which can be exchanged once the confinement situation ends.

▸ The company Anysolution has launched NADIA Smart logistics, a software that was born as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic to provide solutions to companies with their home deliveries. This solution allows you to create smart home delivery routes.

IFISC is publishing periodic analysis of how policies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic have affected mobility in Spain. Using aggregated and anonymized data from mobile phone records provided by the company Kido Dynamics.

The University of the Balearic Islands has started a series of blog articles with health, culinary and entertainment recommendations to make our quarantine healthier.

▸ Marisa Huaynalaya, digital transformation specialist, has interviewed Sarah Harmon, CEO Habitissimo, on her YouTube channel, WomanwithPower. Sarah also chatted with Andy Saltman about “branding and marketing in times of crisis.”

Gerardo Cañellas, CEO Perfume’s Club, was interviewed on MarketingDirecto, where he talked about how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the online commerce sector.



30/04 – How to modify your contracts with customers and suppliers during the pandemic. Free webinar on possible modifications to contracts with third parties. With the participation of Paula Artal, Customia, and Jorge Morell, founder of the law firm Términos y Condiciones.

01/05 – Nuevo paradigma de gestión: Teal y Procesos ágiles en la práctica Legal. Online meetup of the Agile & Lean Baleares group.

04/05 – Free web development course. 80 hours duration. Online.

05/05 – Coding Dojo: Employee Report. Remote Kata organized by the groups Mallorca Women Techmakers and Mallorca Software Crafters.


Cool Links

Cuando vuelvan los turistas a las viviendas vacacionales… (

Position Zero de Google (

Los efectos que la crisis de COVID19 tendrá en el marketing digital (

8 formas de detectar un Phishing realizado vía email (

6 reasons why you should treat innovation as a survival skill in times of crises (Fabian Roschig en LinkedIn)

Guía ASO 2020 – Manual de App Store Optimization (


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Photo by Yura Fresh
Newsletters Archive

#MTN101: Meyo closes a €600K round, Govern launches an app for monitoring COVID-19 patients, tech events return (online),…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #101

Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, a news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.

If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.


▸ The healthtech startup Meyo has closed an investment round of 600,000 euros.

Govern has launched an application that aimed at patients with COVID-19 to assess their symptoms and receive instructions and recommendations, and for health authorities to collect clinical data. The ‘app’ is called Clinicovery and it is now available for download and has been developed by the Apploading company.

▸ It seems that the Government’s budget for this year will undergo important changes due to the crisis derived from COVID-19. One of the measures that would be affected is the expansion of the metro line that had to modify its route to add stops at Parc Bit and Son Espases.

The university community has made six 3D printers available to hospital centers that belong to research groups from the UIB and IMEDEA. Professors and students have joined this initiative, offering their private printers to help hospitals.

▸ The shoe making company Camper is manufacturing facial protective screens for healthcare workers in its facilities with their 3D printers. In addition, they are awaiting final authorization to begin the production of “special parts” for respirators and have made iPads from their stores available to local hospitals so that patients can communicate with their families.

Perfume’s Club has donated hydroalcoholic gels worth 100,000 euros to support the work of health services and distributors. The company has also reported business figures in recent weeks that double the past year’s, with daily sales of over 200,000 euros on many occasions.

▸ The technology company APSL has adapted Botibot, its artificial intelligence framework to create chatbots, which they offer to any institution that needs to automate the answering of questions from citizens.

▸ Interviews with Daniel Alzina, CEO and co-founder of Hotelinking, and Xavier Pallicer, CEO and co-founder of GuestPro, where they talk about how the current situation is affecting the tourism industry and possible solutions for the future.

Cómo unir la tecnología a una visión de comunidad, a talk by Antoni Aloy, CEO and co-founder of APSL, at AI Saturdays Mallorca.



01/05 – Nuevo paradigma de gestión: Teal y Procesos ágiles en la práctica Legal. Online meetup of the Agile & Lean Baleares group.

04/05 – Free web development course. 80 hours duration. Online.


Job Opportunities

Senior Frontend Developer – Habitissimo

Senior Frontend Software Engineer – trivago

Senior Backend Developer – Playspace

Junior Analyst BI – Playspace

Senior Network Engineer – OmniAccess

React Native Developer – Lightstreams


Cool Links

La personalización en las creatividades de display y social (Rubén Vinagre, Programmatic Display Specialist en Barceló)

Siempre se aprende algo nuevo (Verónica Rosselló, Responsable de Comunicación en TravelgateX)

¿Qué estrategias funcionan para aumentar el tráfico de la web de tu hotel? (


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Photo by Yura Fresh
Newsletters Archive

#MTN100: Mallorca online shopping skyrockets, solidarity actions from tech companies, resources to adapt to remote work, …

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #100

Without a doubt this issue comes at a hard time for everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones are well these days ❤️

Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, a news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.

If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.


▸ A group of scientists from the Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) is developing a new medical test that would be ten times cheaper than PCR and at the same time much more accurate in detecting cases of coronavirus.

▸ The company Robot has donated 10,000 masks to the Balearic Red Cross.

Perfume’s Club donates 3,000 units of sanitizing gel to Correos Expres workers.

Online orders to the food markets skyrocket. If a few months ago their sales through the online platform La Mercateca accounted for 5% of total turnover, in recent weeks they have grown to 25-30%.

Habitissimo has communicated that it keeps its entire workforce operational and also shared a series of measures that it has put in place to collaborate with their sector.

The double and complex problem of ICT for Tourism in the COVID-19 crisis, thoughts from Jaume Monserrat, President of Turistec (cluster dedicated to ICT applied to Tourism), on the current situation.

How your business can thrive during lockdown, post by Andy Slack, CEO of MoreNiche and founder of Olive Valley. A guide to not only survive during this period, but thriving with remote work during coronavirus.

Trifork Mallorca has elaboraed a comprehensive guide to help companies adapt to working remotely.

Pau Riera has published the MusicBucket API on GitHub, with all the functionalities of his the MusicBucket Bot for Telegram.

▸ Damavis Studio has released the beta version of Airflow Pentaho Plugin, with which it is possible to orchestrate and schedule Pentaho jobs and transformations using Apache Airflow.

▸ The marketing agency Inturea has created a website with webinars, courses and interviews. Everything focused on helping tourism companies recover from the COVID-19 crisis.

▸ The app Veern to control time in different time zones is now available as a universal purchase on Mac and iOS.


Job Opportunities

Senior Data Engineer – Habitissimo

Frontened Developer – Wireless DNA

Business Developer – HR3

React Native DeveloperLightstreams


Cool Links

Coronavirus y calidad del aire: reflexiones e importancia de la sostenibilidad (

“A CoronaWhy s’obren per al Big Data nous horitzons en la recerca mèdica” (

¿Compra en directo o programática? (Rubén Vinagre, Programmatic Display Specialist en Barceló)

12 Thought-provoking talks to fuel creativity and innovation (Fabian Roschig

Startup Homeschool – #YoEmprendoEnCasa (

Joining A Non-Tech Startup Accelerator Program To Improve Our Business (


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Photo by gemma

Newsletters Archive

#MTN099: Financial measures for SMEs and freelances during COVID19, map of shops selling online in the Balearics, companies and makers solutions…

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #099

Without a doubt this issue comes at a hard time for everyone. I hope that you and your loved ones are well these days ❤️

Now more than ever, I would like to insist that if you want to share a job opportunity, an event, a news from your company, from the tech sector or a post from your blog, you just have to email me at and I will include it in the contents of the next issue.

If you a part of any kind of social action or know of any, please get in touch, the sponsored spot is available to you completely for free while the alert state lasts.

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. If you enjoy it, please share it with one of your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This is a small personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation to your friends and colleagues is very helpful.


Fundació Balear d’Innovació i Tecnologia, has compiled some of the state and regional financial support measures for SMEs and freelances published in recent days. In addition, the foundation itself has announced that the companies housed in its buildings will not pay rent while the state of alarm is active.

▸ Fundació Bit has also published a map with the local shops and services of the Balearic Islands that sell online. It includes more than 200 shops and producers that operate these days electronically and offer delivery.

▸ In line with the above, the Menorca Association of Merchants has announced the launch of the Xuroa, an online platform where more than 80 businesses will participate and will have more than 5,000 product references available.

habitissimo creates an “Hour Storehouse” that allows its employees to give vacation days to each other in order to improve work-family balance. The company has also appeared in the TVE territorial news, sharing how their teams function working from home.

More than 350 “Coronavirus Makers” from Mallorca have put their 3D printers into operation to print pieces of self-contained respirators and protections against coronavirus. They have already printed 277 masks and respirators.

▸ The company Gladtolink has developed a system to digitally obtain and store the necessary Travel Authorization for those people who must circulate to continue working. The Twitter account of Mossos d’Esquadra has used as an example of fraudulent link.

▸ UIB’s Campus Sport has published an open platform where you can access video classes of different exercises for free.

Logitravel has created a system to facilitate the processing of reservations affected by COVID-19.

▸ The IFISC collaborates in a research to confront Covid-19, coordinating a project to study the impact of social distancing measures.

Teknautas published a piece about Yuccs, the footwear company that manufactures shoes with merino wool, which already has 5,000 clients on the waiting list for their new release and whose turnover is over 1 million euros.

Innovation Strategies has been recognized as Best Workplace by Great Place To Work.


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

Job Opportunities

Full Stack Developer – habitissimo

Software Developer – OpenProject (Remote)

Digital Marketer Role – MoreNiche (Remote)

Frontened Developer –

Especialista SEO – Refinería Web


Cool Links

Intel·ligència Artificial per combatre el Covid-19 (

El SEO en tiempos de pandemia (

Analysing Tripadvisor: how to improve reputation and visibility in the ranking (

Remote work wiki (

This PIN Can Be Easily Guessed (

23 Email Productivity Tools That Will Save You Hours Every Day (


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Newsletters Archive

#MTN098: 4 out of 10 people work remotely in ParcBit, keynote from the CEO of Startupxplore, Zafiro awarded at The Chatbots Tourism Awards

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #098

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 800 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

We are Manfred, a technical talent agency built by software engineers, who have been “on the other side” and we want to help you find a job you enjoy and learn.

We have a Telegram channel where we publish 5 interesting offers every day. Sometimes we handle them directly but sometimes those are awesome offers that we find online for you. We also publish some of our offers on our wiki, but those are just “the tip of the iceberg”. If you sign up for Manfred you will have access to many offers that we do not get to publish, because they arrive first to our Manfredites. Long live Mallorca and the ensaimadas!



▸ Venvirotech, a company whose co-founder and CEO is the Mallorcan Noelia Márquez, plans to implement its technology dedicated to the transformation of organic waste into bioplastics throughout the Peninsula, appears in this list of the 10 most promising startups in Catalonia.

Andromeda Solutions, through its SaaS for the nautical industry, has been selected as a technology provider for two innovative projects in the sector. One is WeBoat, a boatsharing club whose members will have access to boats without the worries of ownership; and on the other is Boats&Go, an Italian project that was born with the aim of being the industry’s first price comparator.

▸ Habitissimo launches the second edition of Talentissimo, their program for newly graduates. This allows students, during 15 months, to go through different teams inside the company in order to learn the different work methodologies and understand the business.

Bluekiri achieves Microsoft Gold Application Development Competency certification.

Zalia, the virtual assistant developed by Zafiro Hotels, has been selected among the 3 best in the world in the 2nd edition of The Chatbots Tourism Awards, which took place in the last edition of FITUR.

▸ Meliá Hotels presented, an app developed by the studio Borbalán, which aim to replace the traditional paper business cards.

▸ The Consell de Menorca has presented a 3D application, with the objective of promoting the Talayotic culture to schoolchildren. It’s an app developed by REM Experience, and it will allow students to build their own talayot and to know all the details of these structures.

▸ The ParcBit 2019 report has been published. It has data from the companies and workers of the technology park, where more than 4,000 people work and 172 companies are established. The most highlighted fact is that 4 out of 10 people work remote at least once a week.



16/03 – Women Techmakers Menorca. Event with several keynotes and a round table, all around big data and blockchain.

19/03 – Surfing the complexity of ecological networks. Talk organized by IFISC about why the network theory is very useful to understand how the species introduced into a new ecosystem are integrated into it.

26/03 – Venture on the Road. SeedRocket and Banco Sabadell organize this event in which the 4 selected startups will pitch to a jury of investors, the winning company will participate in the final event, where it could win €3,000 and a spot in the next SeedRocket Campus. In addition, during the event, the CEO and co-founder of Startupxplore, Nacho Ormeño, CEO and co-founder of Startupxplore, will give the talk “Buscar financiación: lo que siempre quisiste saber y nunca te atreviste a preguntar”. Startups can apply until March 15th.

04/04 – Hacking the history. FPGA workshop to simulate the Enigma machine organized by Makespace Mallorca.

22/04 – Management 3.0, a workshop to learn the basics of a management style with an Agile philosophy, from an eminently practical point of view 10/03 – Job Day UIB. Annual event where the students of the University of the Balearic Islands can connect with companies that seek to incorporate talent, and in which there are also talks on different topics related to the work environment, recruiting, HR,…

04/04 – Hacking the history. FPGA workshop to simulate the Enigma machine organized by Makespace Mallorca.


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

Job Opportunities

Data Engineer – habitissimo

Software Architect – Roiback

Senior Software Developer – Affilired

Senior BackEnd Developer – OmniAccess

Senior Data Scientist – Barceló

Web Support – Dimática Software Development

Community Manager – Zinkfo

SEM Specialist – Refineria Web

Especialista en ventas y marketing – Ultima Hora

English Language Content Writer & Translator – TravelgateX


Cool Links

De 1,9 a 8 puntos de visibilidad: las claves del crecimiento de visibilidad de Uvinum (

Don’t tell me you miss me: 3 better approaches to user retention (

$1,000 MRR: Harder Than I Anticipated (


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Newsletters Archive

#MTN097: III Venture on the Road (SeedRocket + BStartup), big companies seeking startups, opportunity for senior frontend developer (€30-40K)

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #097

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

At habitissimo we are looking for a Senior Frontend Developer to join our development team. If you want to bring all your knowledge and are not afraid to explore new technologies, we want to meet you!

Among other advantages, we offer:

  • A salary between €30 and €40K gross per year
  • Indefinite contract
  • Discount in medical insurance
  • €1,000 additional per year for training
  • Four days a year at your disposal to attend talks, events or courses

Click here to check all the details.



 The III Edition of Venture on the Road, a collaboration between SeedRocket and BStartup of Banco Sabadell, is now open for applicants. It is a roadshow that provides networking and access to investors to startups nationwide. Among the entries received, 4 finalist projects will be selected to participate in the event and will present their project to a jury of investors and the audience. The winning startup will get €3,000 and a spot to participate in the next SeedRocket Campus.

▸ The National Association of European Business and Innovation Centers has opened the registration period for the third edition of Ances Open Innovation, an open innovation program in which big companies such as Logitravel, Informática El Corte Inglés or Sacyr seek startups that offer solutions to their technological challenges and thus establish a commercial relationship. All the challenges from 11 big corporations are available on the program website. Startups can submit their proposals until March 24.

▸ ISBA Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca has presented its results for the year 2019. According to the figures, last year the company endorsed a total of 578 operations, amounting to € 51.2M, of which 177 (€ 14.6M) correspond to new companies and entrepreneurs.

▸ Interview with Ignacio Ochoa, Ecommerce and director of Digital Marketing of Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, during the last Most Congress 2020, an event specialized in tourism marketing.



▸ 10/03 – Job Day UIB. Annual event where the students of the University of the Balearic Islands can connect with companies that seek to incorporate talent, and in which there are also talks on different topics related to the work environment, recruiting, HR,…

04/04 – Hacking the history. FPGA workshop to simulate the Enigma machine organized by Makespace Mallorca. 


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

Job Opportunities

Data Engineer – habitissimo

▸ Product Manager – TravelgateX

▸ Media Trader – Denomatic by Affilired

▸ Head of Marketing Content – Iberostar

▸ Java Developer – ON CONSULTING

▸ Digital Marketing Sales Executive – Roxa Hospitality

▸ Security Architect – OmniAccess

▸ Digital marketing specialist – APD


Cool Links

▸ ¿Qué podemos aprender de un nobel de economía sobre conversión? (

▸ Seducció online: adéu als jocs de mirades (

▸ Campañas de email para llamar la atención de clientes que nos han olvidado ( 


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Newsletters Archive

#MTN096: The math teacher viral in TikTok, the Govern wants to participate in the management of 5G, new Connect’Up 2020 edition starts

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #096

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

Customia y Splacing, o cómo arrancar tu start-up a tiempo parcial

¿Estás pensando en montar una start-up pero tienes poco tiempo debido a tus obligaciones profesionales? ¿Crees que necesitas dedicar todo tu tiempo y recursos para empezar con ese negocio digital que tienes en mente desde hace años?

Customia trae una gran noticia: ya no es necesario dejarlo todo para dar vida a tu start-up, es posible hacerlo part-time. Con su equipo por horas y metodología 100% probada, te ayudan a dar rienda suelta a tu espíritu emprendedor sin que tengas que arriesgar tu trabajo o negocio actual.

¿Quieres un ejemplo? te presentamos a Splacing, un marketplace de profesionales a quien Customia ha acompañado desde sus inicios como idea. Sus promotores se apoyaron en el equipo por horas de Customia para aterrizar su idea, validarla y ponerla en el mercado, sin dejar de atender su negocio principal. Ello les permitió emprender con menor riesgo, y actualmente dedicarse full-time a su start-up para hacerla crecer. Sin duda un gran ejemplo a seguir para muchos emprendedores.

¿Quieres que Customia te ayude a crear y gestionar tu start-up a tiempo parcial?

Solicita aquí información sobre sus diferentes tarifas y metodología para hacerlo posible.



▸ The Balearic Government wants to participate in the management of 5G, which will use various frequency bands, including broadband. It is going to propose to the Ministry of Economy, Business and Digital Advance to not auction one of the 5G channels to private operators and give its management to the autonomous communities.

▸ UIB’s Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems and the company APSL have signed a collaboration agreement, thanks to which they will exchange information and collaborate in the processing and analysis of data and in computational models of social and sociotechnical phenomena.

▸ A new edition of Connect’Up kicks off. The contest to find the best new businesses in the Balearic Islands is organized by Grup Serra (Última Hora).

▸ The CIFP Francesc de Borja Moll becomes one of the collaborating educational  institutions of the GitHub Campus Program.

▸ Several media have echoed this week in the story of Carlos Maxi, math teacher and director of Bárcena Formation Academy, who has 95,000 followers in Tik Tok, being one of the most-followed Spanish-speaking accounts related to education.

Juan Carlos González Cavella, APSL Data Scientist, participated in the last PyConES, and now his talk “Fragment and dearticular crime networks Topology and network weakness” is available on Youtube.

▸ El País wrote about Insights-X for Destinations, a big data tool to anticipate traveler behaviors that has been developed by two Mallorcan companies, TravelgateX and Top Tourism Marketing.

▸ In their blog, Hotelinking interviewed Rafael Soler, a member of the team that manages Parc Bit’s Tech Business Incubator.



27/02 – Business Angel Course. Training to learn about the process of private investment, distinguish viable projects for investment, negotiate with entrepreneurs and other investors, among other topics.

27/02 – El futuro cuántico de IT + Implementando redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos. Big Data & Machine Learning Mallorca meetup event.

28/02 – Pythonic Science, general meeting about Python that will feature talks by Juan Fernandez Gracia, a doctor in physics and working as a postdoc in complex systems at IFISC and Juan Luis Cano, an aeronautical engineer with interests in astrodynamics, free software and working on

04/04 – Hacking the history. FPGA workshop to simulate the Enigma machine organized by Makespace Mallorca. 


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

Job Opportunities

SysOps / DevOps – Travel Compositor (30-36K€)

Junior Fullstack Dev – hotelbreak

Senior Frontend Developer – habitissimo

Process Manager – TravelgateX

Full Stack Developer – AI Finance Group

Front End Developer – Roiback

Senior BackEnd Developer – OmniAccess

Performance Analyst – Hotelbeds

Grado en Matématicas y/o Estadística – PerfumesClub

Community Manager – Turismo y Hoteles de Baleares 


Cool Links

Los 9 elementos imprescindibles para que tu landing page convierta ( 


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Newsletters Archive

#MTN095: Sanifit successfully gives its compound to their first patient, ParcBit vs. a vulture fund, Security Manager job in habitissimo (30-40K€)

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #095

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:



At habitissimo we are looking for a person to incorporate into our technology team as Security Manager. If you are passionate about computer security, we want to meet you! You will be responsible for the definition, implementation and maintenance of the security of our platform, systems and applications.

Among other benefits, we offer:

  • A salary between 30 and 40K€ gross per year
  • Indefinite contract
  • Discount in medical insurance
  • Additional 1,000€ per year for training
  • Four days a year at your disposal to attend talks, events or courses

If you’re interested, check the full details here.


The biopharmaceutical company Sanifit has announced that the SNF472 compound has been successfully administered to the first patient, thus reaching phase 3.

▸ The biologist and researcher expert in bees Mar Leza, was the main guest in the show La Resistencia.

▸ The boat rental platform Yanpy has surpassed the 12,000 ships available on its website. It also reports a growth in sales of 300% during the last two years.

Borja Esteve, habitissimo Team Leader Costumer Service Spain, was in IB3’s magazine Cinc Dies.

▸ The CEO and founder of APSL, Antoni Aloy, was also interviewed in the same show last week about the recent proposal of not counting the coffee break time within the working hours.

▸ Canal 4 interviewed part of the HolidayGuru team.

▸ TravelgateX talked to Francesc López, Stayforlong co-founder and COO, in their blog.

▸ As mentioned last week, the company Numant Medtech, a biotechnology company dedicated to the development of innovative biomaterials for anatomical devices such as dental implants, orthopedic prostheses and devices for bone filling, reconstruction and regeneration, has won the Entrepreneur XXI Award in the Balearic Islands. The prize includes an economic endowment of 5,000 euros and access to an international accompaniment program in Silicon Valley or Cambridge.

▸ The Balearic Islands Government curbs the speculation of a ‘vulture fund’ in  ParcBit, which had bought Bankia assets and was sending eviction notices to the tenants of the buildings.



▸ 18/02 – Women Techmakers and Google Developers Group Meetup in which there will be talks about “Kubernetes for beginners” and “Introduction to Golang”.

▸ 20/02 – Mallorca Digital Challenges. Afterwork organized by Magnolia CMS with talks about marketing, technology and innovative methodologies in the tourism sector in a series of presentations followed by a networking and cocktail activity. The content is oriented to C-level, Directors and Managers of the Marketing and IT areas.

21/02 – Julia for non coders. Julia’s first meetup in Mallorca (in English), a perfect language for high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.

21/02 – II DSKonsulting HR Forum. Robots vs. People. The value of people versus automation.

25/02 – Design your website with WordPress. Free 30-hour course organized by IFOC.

27/02 – Business Angel Course. Training to learn about the process of private investment, distinguish viable projects for investment, negotiate with entrepreneurs and other investors, among other topics.

27/02 – El futuro cuántico de IT + Implementando redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos. Big Data & Machine Learning Mallorca meetup event.


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

Job Opportunities 

▸ Security Manager – habitissimo (30-40K€)

▸ Senior C++ Developer – Gusitravel (27-36K€)

▸ Sales Metrics Analyst – Iberostar

QA Engineer – Hotel Technology – trivago

API Distribution & Onboarding Manager – Welcomebeds

Diseño Electrónico – Wireless DNA

BackEnd Developer Senior – TravelgateX

Java Developer – ON CONSULTING

Cámara / Editor(a) – Zinkfo

Community Manager  – Refinería Web


Cool Links

▸ Les veritats incòmodes del negoci del software (

▸ Sistema de extracción de información mediante gramáticas y NLTK – Parte 1parte 2 (


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Photo by Logan Weaver

Newsletters Archive

#MTN094: NuMat won Premio Emprendedor XXI, meetups (Webflow, Golang, Julia); job opportunities (front end, software engineer, community manager)

Mallorca Tech Newsletter – Issue #094

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any recommendation or social network share is very helpful.

If you want to share a tech-related job opportunity, event, news or blog post, just write to; you can also check the sponsorship options available. And thus, connect with a community of over 700 people related to the tech sector and digital businesses.

Newsletter published with the support of:

Customia y Fideltour, un caso de éxito de equipo por horas

¿Conoces ya las ventajas para tu start-up de trabajar con el equipo por horas de Customia?

Esta semana te presentamos el caso real de Fideltour, una start-up que desde sus inicios se ha apoyado en el equipo multidisciplinar de Customia para validar su modelo de negocio, desarrollar su tecnología y ejecutar su plan de marketing y escalabilidad.

Durante sus 4 años de existencia, este CRM inteligente para hoteles ha pasado por todas las fases del Método Customia. Tras su salida al mercado hace 12 meses, Fideltour se encuentra en momento de plena expansión, con más de 150 clientes en España, República Dominicana, Cuba, México y Colombia.

¿Quieres seguir los pasos de Fideltour y beneficiarte de trabajar con el equipo por horas de Customia?

Solicita aquí información sobre sus diferentes tarifas totalmente adaptadas a tus necesidades. .

📰 News

Expansion talked about a startup movement targeting the luxury sector, among which lists Boatjump, the boat rental platform.

▸ Business Insider has published an extensive report reviewing Filmin’s 10-year trajectory. The online cinema and series on-demand platform has closed its third consecutive year with benefits and exceeding 6 million euros in revenue.

Interview with Iván Caparrós, head of the agency Contenido SEO, in which he talks about local SEO.

▸ Of the 519 people enrolled in the Polytechnic School, only 18.6% are women. A percentage that moves away from the overall proportion of the UIB, where women represent 59% of the total. Anna Schnabel has written on this subject in Ara Balears.

▸ The biotech company NuMat won the award Premio Emprendedor XXI of the Balearic Islands, organized by Caixa. The rest of the finalists have been Modosmart (IoT), Hotelbreak (day passes) and Flip Food (cold-pressed juices).


👋 Events

▸ 13/02 – Webflow: changing the web creation paradigm. Webflow applications for designers, marketers and small businesses.

18/02 – Women Techmakers and Google Developers Group Meetup in which there will be talks about “Kubernetes for beginners” and “Introduction to Golang”.

20/02 – Mallorca Digital Challenges. Afterwork organized by Magnolia CMS with talks about marketing, technology and innovative methodologies in the tourism sector in a series of presentations followed by a networking and cocktail activity. The content is oriented to C-level, Directors and Managers of the Marketing and IT areas.

21/02 – Julia for non coders. Julia’s first meetup in Mallorca (in English), a perfect language for high-performance numerical analysis and computational science.

21/02 – II DSKonsulting HR Forum. Robots vs. People. The value of people versus automation.

25/02 – Design your website with WordPress. Free 30-hour course organized by IFOC.


En Coworking Nidus39 tenemos el espacio que necesitas ¡Ven a conocernos y prueba gratis 1 día de coworking sin compromiso!

Disponemos de un espacio de coworking, despachos cerrados de diferentes dimensiones, salas para eventos o formaciones, estudio de fotografía… En Nidus39 te ofrecemos diferentes espacios adaptadas a tus necesidades y en pleno centro de Palma. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para ampliar información y conocer nuestros diferentes espacios y tarifas: – 871948999 – 637734803

🛠 Job Opportunities 

Senior Customer Service Manager – habitissimo

Analista Programador .NET – FDSA

Front End Developer – Roiback

Front End Developer – Coara

IT & Digital Projects Consultant – Refinería Web

Data Engineer – OmniAccess

Senior Java Software Engineer – ON Consulting

Java Developer – flexIT Software Engineering

Web Designer – Rex4media

Community Manager – Mark Site Creativity Agency

Head of Marketing Content – Iberostar

Chinese Ecommerce Assistant – Carmina Shoemaker


🔗 Cool Links

▸  Como migrar PrestaShop de hosting (

Habitissimo Web Performance – Case Study (

▸ ¿Por qué es importante automatizar tus campañas de email marketing? (

Scaling to 100k Users (


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Photo by Émile Perron