Newsletters Archive

#MTN157: Decelera’s new 30M fund + Spain’s first green hydrogen molecules

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to find out about the technology and startup ecosystem in Mallorca. This is a personal project of David Bustos, email marketing and copywriting specialist, so any help spreading the word is very appreciated.

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Como referente de innovación y startup consolidada, Travel Compositor está comprometida con el talento y la comunidad y por ello lanza su Incubadora TravelC, cuyo lanzamiento se hará en el evento del 10 de marzo de 2022.

Se seleccionará a los 3 proyectos ganadores de los que participen en el concurso. Los proyectos con base tecnológica y de travel serán seleccionados en base al talento del equipo, creatividad y viabilidad de negocio.

Los ganadores accederán a un paquete de servicios que incluirá:

  • Premios por un valor total de 175.000€
  • De 6 meses de incubación y 12 de espacio oficinas
  • 500h de consultoría de negocio y tecnología
  • Alojamiento para startups visitantes
  • Acceso a mentores e inversores de nuestra comunidad

El evento tendrá lugar en el Club del Diario de Mallorca en una velada que durará 2 horas aproximadamente donde además contaremos con la presencia de de Josep Coll, exitoso emprendedor en serie con su show Rock & Business tras el cual habrá un ágape y networking con los principales representantes de la industria del turismo, la tecnología y la emprendeduría.

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▸ The Balearic Islands generated the first green hydrogen molecules in Spain and southern Europe. The Government of the Balearic Islands has invested 3.75 million euros in this project, led by ACCIONA Energía and Enagás, with the participation of CEMEX and IDAE. The plant will generate up to 300 tons of green hydrogen per year, produced 100% from photovoltaic plants, and could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 20,700 tons per year.

▸ Juniper Group acquired MCS Grupa, an advanced Croatian developer of web-based information systems for Primary and Secondary Health Care.

▸ The Menorca-based incubator Decelera allies with Sancus Capital and launches a €30M fund for startups. With the launch of this venture capital vehicle, it will complete the first investments in companies that went through its program in September.

▸ Interview in MarketingDirecto with Eduardo Sarciat, CEO and founder of Ad-Machina, a platform that optimizes the performance of Google Ads campaigns.

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17/02 – “Nano comes to life”. Sonia Contera studied physics in Madrid, obtained her PhD at the University of Osaka, and is Professor of Biological Physics and Vice-Dean of the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. She was founder and director of the Oxford Martin Institute for Nanotechnology in Medicine. Author of the book “Nano comes to life: how nanotechnology is transforming medicine and the future of biology”.

24/02 – Alexa Skills Workshop. Led by Kini, one of the 4 Alexa champions we have in Spain, in which we will be able to program our own Alexa skill.  We will explain how Alexa skills are programmed and which AWS services are used every time you ask Alexa to play your favorite song.

10/03 – Presentation of Incubadora TravelC. With the performance of Josep Coll, founder of Red Points and serial entrepreneur, with his show Rock & Business; after which there will be a cocktail and networking.

Job Opportunities

Digital Product Owner – Air Europa

▸ Full Stack Developer – Travel Compositor

▸ Senior Unity Developer – Xaloc Studios

▸ Search Marketing Manager – Barceló Hotel Group

▸ Maquetador/a Web – Waka Solutions

▸ Modern Identity and Workplace Specialist – Triggle

▸ Full Stack Engineer – recycl3R

▸ Community Manager – Blue Consulting

▸ Backend Developer – Sembo

Interesting Links

Building an e-commerce Product details component – Debbie O’Brien

▸ Detección de poses humanas mediante Deep Learning – Damavis

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1️⃣ Spreading the word on TwitterFacebook, or Linkedin.
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