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#MTN138: The $15M/year ecommerce of construction materials + Increase in Bitcoin-related scams

Mallorca Tech Newsletter is the best way to keep up with the tech and startup ecosystem of Mallorca. If you enjoy it please share it with your contacts and invite them to subscribe. This newsletter is a personal project of David Bustos, so any help spreading the word is very appreciated.

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Tu organización se comporta como la red de metro de una gran ciudad: equipos interconectados entre ellos que se intercambian trabajo, con el fin de prestar servicios o desarrollar productos.

En la mayoría de empresas, el flujo del trabajo a través de esta red está lejos de ser el óptimo. Muchos atascos y bloqueos, problemas con la calidad, falta de sincronización entre equipos, procesos complejos y burocráticos, enorme distancia entre la estrategia y los equipos …

Hemos diseñado un modelo que te permitirá alcanzar la agilidad en toda la organización de forma eficaz y sostenida, minimizando las resistencias y simplificando los procesos:

  • 10 clases de 3h online en directo
  • Casos prácticos reales de diseño organizacional
  • Entrevistas a expertos
  • Certificado oficial de la Kanban University
  • Club privado con eventos, webinars, soporte, etc

El curso será impartido por Pablo Domingo y Josep Riudavets, consultores y formadores que han vivido ya muchas situaciones de transformación ágil y conocen en detalle las situaciones que pueden frenar o acelerar la agilidad en tu empresa.

Puedes consultar toda la información y apuntarte en la web


Extensive report on the company Habitium, a construction materials ecommerce that in 2020 doubled its turnover compared to the previous year, reaching the 15 million euros mark.

▸ Ultima Hora journalist Javier Jiménez spent a working day with an elite unit of the Guardia Civil, the Technological Research Team. During the report they review some of the most common actions that they usually investigate, noticing a high growth in scams related to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

▸ This week the first FFP2 mask factory in the Balearic Islands started operating. Its start-up has involved an investment of 1.5 million euros and it is expected to manufacture 750,000 masks per month when it works at full capacity.

The City Council of Porreres has launched the website, a portal to help digitize the businesses of the municipality.

Innovation Strategies has received the ‘CAEB Sánitas a la Pyme Saludable’ award for implementing measures to promote healthy lifestyles, providing its workers with seasonal fruit in the office, parking for bicycles and scooters inside the office, ergonomic equipment and up to three work screens, as well as for their internal communication campaigns.

“I believe in the importance of entrepreneurship and taking risks to achieve success”, a brief interview with Gerardo Cañellas, CEO of Perfume’s Club.

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20/04 – Talent & Startups with Celia Megias, CEO and co-founder of Bersity. A project that she has launched together with Jordi Ber (co-founder of habitissimo). In addition, Celia is also part of the Board of Directors of Connector Startup Accelerator, a startup accelerator specialized in seed stage. These talks are conducted by the manager of the Fundació Bit, Álvaro Medina, and CentreBit’s territorial delegate, Carmen Crespo, and are a perfect occasion to get to know the innovative ecosystem of the Balearic Islands and give visibility to the most promising startups and their professionals.

04/05 – 10 Signs that it’s time to consider devops. Webinar with Xavier Coll, CEO of FDSA, in which he will share how DevOps can help streamline the process so that the entire development and operations team has a global vision and can focus on optimizing their tasks.

Job Opportunities 

▸ iOS Developer – Photopills (30-40K€)

▸ Chief Marketing Officer – Habitissimo

▸ Senior Frontend Developer – Farmadosis

▸ Backend Software Developer – METRO Markets

▸ Senior Web Developer – De:central Days

👉 Do you want to share a job offer? Fill in this short form and it will be published in the next newsletter. It is free, fast and easy.

Interesting Links

▸ Agile vs Programming, Motherfucker – M. Carlos Orts García

▸ How We Bootstrapped a $1M ARR Email Client – Philippe Lehoux, CEO at Missive

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Mallorca Tech Stories

This time we chatted with Germán Vidal who, together with Jordi Ber, has launched Apprentiuman online school for the construction sector. Despite having been running for only a few months, they already have 9 courses produced, 25 more in the pipeline and they have more than 1,000 users registered on their platform.

In addition, it shares in a fairly detailed way how they have launched the business following the Lean Startup methodology. Spending few resources, validating hypotheses and betting on what works. A super inspirational testimonial for anyone launching a business, thinking of doing it, or just interested in the topic.

👉 Read the full story here!

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